Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

How do you Deal With Life When Depression is Such a Big Part of it?

I took the entire month of Nov. off from writing anything. Between the depression I was already struggling with and all the extreme negative political ads and hate going around I just wanted to crawl under the covers and read away my anxiety. With Christmas and New Years coming it’s not getting any better.

I did put out some wreaths and a few other decorations but I’m not in any festive mood. Today I forced myself to get out some indoor decoration. I did enjoy seeing some of my fav decs. I don’t put up a tree until a few days before Christmas or even Christmas eve. I think if I lived alone I wouldn’t bother with any decorations, especially a tree. I hate more than anything the hassle of getting it all out and then putting it all away. And it’s not like I decorate every surface or put stuff in every room, it’s just a reminder of how much stress the holidays cause. It’s also a reminder of how I don’t have many friends (too many years housebound), how many family members are gone (of parents only my Mom is alive), and the stress of shopping in CROWDS (not good for someone with agoraphobic tendencies).

So with stress eating, reading, and gaming more than I should I’m not doing real good. I really hope you all are doing better! Try to relax and if stress is getting too much, do like I do... retreat into a book to feel like you are someone or at least somewhere else.  Try playing some online games but only if that doesn’t cause more stress. I gave up some of my games cause that’s what was happening.

Sorry there’s no Alice graphics this post I just can’t get into it this time. Hope you liked the book one. I found it on Pinterest. I printed a bunch of book and anxiety type graphics on plastic and shrunk them in my oven to make charms. They hang on my purse so I have something to grab onto when I'm out and feeling overwhelmed by crowds. 

All I can say is try to find something you really like to do that keeps your mind occupied and won't hurt you or anyone else to help you get thru all the anxiety and depression this time of year causes. Let's all look forward to a calmer time after the holidays.