Wednesday, September 7, 2016

A groundhog named Jill ... or maybe Jack

Here’s a short funny story. Oh, I know I do tend to write very long posts but this one is short, promise. At least it is for me.

I was out feeding the birds and refilling the birdbaths (gotta keep clean water in them to keep away the mosquitoes!). After doing the water I walked back to the house not realizing I forgot the small bucket I use to hold the containers of birdseed. Later I went over to look at the plants growing around one of the birdbaths and found the seed containers. Thinking it’s just one of those days when I’m way too lost in thought I took them back to the place where they should be, only to find the bucket wasn’t there either.

Worried some kid playing on the wooded lot behind our house may have taken it. It’s not hard to think that way since we’ve had a wire dog crate, rake, shovel, wood, and containers go missing, and then there’s the window broken in a truck we used to have. The lot’s big enough for paintball and kids from all over (yeah even ones who drive) used to play back there. But that’s not at all what happened to the little green bucket.

So I toodled back over and spotted the small groundhog that’s lives under our big shed duck under some stacked wood near by. That’s when I got the idea of maybe, just maybe, it could have taken it. Bending down and looking thru my legs (and VERY glad no one saw me) I spotted the bucket under the shed but not at the edge like I could have kicked it there. Oh, no, it was in almost the center!

Heading back to the house I started calling for the DH because I knew if I just got it out and then told him about our Jack or Jill he’d never believe me. He still didn’t want to believe I didn’t set it up that way ‘cause it’s just too weird, right? Lucky for me he recently bought a long handled tree trimmer with a hook on the end. It was just long enough to catch the handle of the bucket.

So I’m happy to get my bucket back but I can’t help but wonder just what did the groundhog have planned to do with it? hmmmm.......