Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Is it me or is the new blogger awful?

Maybe it's just that I use an old computer running win xp but I can't get the new version of blogger to work. I hope I don't have to use the DH's newer laptop every time I want to post. Since he's now home all the time he's seldom off of it. I guess I'll have to use my phone.

 Ok, this is just too weird. I can't get the new blogger to fully load when using chrome but it works when I use firefox. Still not a fan of it but at least now I know I'll have to switch over to post. Which is a pain since I'm a chrome user even though I can't update it anymore because of my old winxp. I saved this as a draft, closed chrome, opened firefox and ta-da everything loaded correctly when I went to the new blogger. How dumb is it when I can't get blogger to work in their own program?

Most who have anxiety HATE change and I'm no different (well maybe a little since I treat change like it's something to be ignored). I just can't cope with major things like this new blogger and even getting a new computer. You may not consider this major but to me it is. We all have "major stuff" and this is one of mine. Panic attacks begin when I realize I'll have to replace all the programs I need, not to mention buying and installing them. Then comes having to learn the new versions of programs because there's always tons of changes. I mean, come on, why make so many changes that don't really improve anything, just make it harder to use? 

 Wonder if there’s a group on facebook for people who want to vent about hating change? I may have to look into it, or maybe not. Hearing about changes other people hate could transfer them to my stupid brain (the old Pinky) and give me more things to panic about. I mean, who wants to have panic attacks because they changed the label on Mrs. Dash. I don’t but still I don’t like the new label. I told the DH I was going to transfer the new Mrs. Dash into the old bottle and he said I was being ridiculous, so I just removed the old label and glued it over the new. There all fixed! :)