Sunday, July 25, 2021

I'm sooooo tired, how about you?

I'm dealing with lack of sleep right now. I'm doing some dog walking for extra cash and not sleeping good at all. You'd think with all the exercise and fresh air I'd be tired enough to sleep but a few days I wandered around the house till after 6 am. Since I knew I was too tired to do anything constructive I finally took 3 Tylenol and they knocked me out for 4 hours. I drug myself out of bed at 10 because I had to go walk the dogs by 11 and I knew I needed a quick cold shower and a lot of caffeine to get me going. One interesting thing is that I'm too tired to fell anxious.

The dogs seemed to find it funny watching me walking around and tripping over rocks and branches I was too tired to notice. I finally fully woke up after one of the dogs, who had gone for a swim in the pond while I was pretty much sleep walking, decided to shake off the water in front of me. Cold and slightly muddy water in the face really wakes you up. I'm beginning to think he may have done it on purpose to get me awake and moving faster. 

Time to get ready to feed them dinner and go for another walk. I think I may bring my umbrella........


This is a pic of what I did with the embroidery I mentioned in my last post. I still need to remove the bits of twine from the front. It stupidly had the hanging twine on the front instead of the sides at the back. The box kept tipping forward at the bottom so I fixed it but need to find my needle nose pliers to get the staples holding the tiny bits of twine. Not sure what to do about the hole in the center. That held a plastic tag for hanging it at the store. I wonder if I could squeeze some toothpaste in it like I seen people do with hole in the wall?