Sunday, August 8, 2021

I love my dogs but they all had one bad habit


I’ll bet your dogs have the same habit as all the ones I’ve had, they always barf on the carpet! This makes me so crazy. When the DH and I were first married the place we lived in only had carpet in the kitchen (yeah, I know, what a STUPID place to have carpet, only second to bathrooms.) and no matter if Smokey was upstairs or down he went to the kitchen to heave ho yuk.

Matty has always had a delicate tum, in fact all 3 of the labs we’ve had would throw up over anything different in their diets. Matty some times gets upset if he drinks pond or lake water. The interesting thing is the 4 spaniels we’ve had are garbage cans. The DH says they’re like goats and try to eat everything including stuff that shouldn’t taste good enough to eat. Two of them had to have surgery to remove rocks from their colon. I mean really, how can a rock taste good?

We’ll probably go thru all that with the new pup since he grabs everything outside to chew on. We stopped him early from chewing on things around the house except his kennel carpet. He loves to pulls it out and race from one end of the house to the other dragging it along. He taught us to close the kennel door during the day if I don’t want to have to clean up bits of the carpet. We also had to pick up all the soft toys. Matty was always bad about chewing them too, but Penny would take them off him if she caught him destroying ‘her’ toys.

The pup has a fascination with back walnuts right now. I know they’re not safe for him to play with so we have to check his mouth every time we go for a walk. I really don’t want to clean up yuk made from them.

Oh crap, I gotta go, I didn’t notice the pup had to go out, and since he couldn’t hold it anymore there’s a pee lake at the back door. Well, at least it’s not on the carpet.