Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Fear of Driving - it's not the first time

 I'm developing a fear of driving. I used to have it but managed to deal with it but that seriously scary anxiety comes back every time I screw up while driving. Today was one of those days......I'm slow breathing, just trying not to go into full panic....... Ok, here's what happened. I pulled up to a stop sign and saw there was a truck behind me, looked to the left and then right, saw no cars but as I pulled out to turn left a car came speeding up the hill and lucky for me they were turning onto the road I was pulling out of.

I was so shocked I screamed and hit the gas to get out of the way just in case they weren't turning...........whoa, more panic..............................This corner scares me anyway. A few years ago I had another scare there and now all I can think of is that old saying that '3s a charm'. Could that mean that the 3rd time I won't be lucky?

I have no choice, I have to drive but I'll be going like a little old lady who drives under the speed limit. Yes, I'll be pulling over if possible to let those behind me go faster, I'm not stupid just scared.....