Sunday, July 10, 2016

Holidays or Helldays?

Want to know just how much I hate seeing a holiday coming up on the calendar? More than the idiots who get pets even though they live in rentals knowing there’s a possibility they’ll move to a place that won’t allow pets. So what do they do? They just drop them off at a local shelter or worse leave them in the empty house to starve. I only hope there’s a special place in hell for them, not special as in good but special as in being put in small animal crates to be ignored for all eternity unless someone wants to beat them.

Ok ... I’m fine ... I just needed to vent after seeing yet another story on the local news about some f-in’ idiot moving and leaving their large amount of pets behind. A few weeks ago it was horses. What the hell is wrong with these people? The fines aren’t large enough. They should go to jail and become someone’s “new friend”.

Gee, this post has really gotten off subject but what can I say ... I prefer animals to people. And I really prefer to spend my time with my pets rather than having to celebrate any and all holidays. My dogs and cat may be a bit peculiar but they cause less stress than when a holiday comes around.

Summer is not too bad, we pretty much beg off all picnics due to heat or my food issues. The DH will sometimes go to one of his friend’s picnics with out me. That’s ok since I don’t really know most of these people and they’re always further than I can travel anyway (yay!). He’ll also use that excuse to not go saying he doesn’t want to leave me alone. Yeah right, he knows I love to have the house and my old computer to myself. He has a newish laptop but always seems to be using my ancient desk top (all the while complaining how slow it is).

The worst time of year is right after Halloween. That’s when my Mom starts planning what we’re doing for Thanksgiving and Christmas. She lives with my brother and she often wants everyone to come here due to my travel problems. The stress of having so many people over gets to me so much I always end up sick so last year I decided to go their place for Christmas. It’s slightly out of my comfort zone but I had been there twice before (I know that’s pretty sad, huh?). I did a lot of visualizing and worked on my breathing, planned a few stops along the way to walk off the anxiety, and ta-da we made it. You want to know something really weird? I can’t remember most of the way there so I can’t drive myself. Do you think its Pinkybrain blocking it all so I won’t have to deal with it on my own? I’ve told you what an evil thing that part of my brain can be. Ooooo... maybe it’s not Pinkybrain maybe it’s the other good side trying to save me from all the stress.

Holidays used to be a lot more stressful. There was a time when we were first married that he’d go to his parents and I’d go to mine for any holidays. It was just easier since his Mom was pretty much a pain about wanting to celebrate at her house. We’d get a reprieve when one set would get an invite to go somewhere. The DH is an only child so his parents (his Mom) couldn’t (wouldn’t?) understand why we didn’t spend all the holidays with them. We finally grew some backbones (balls?) the second year of our marriage and divided up the holidays, switching the parents the next year. New Years and Valentines were for just us but his Mom had a habit of showing up on New Year’s Day even without her husband. Easter was at our place and all were invited. It took 4 years before the DH told her (after listening to her complain yet again) that if she’d invite my parents we’d all be at her place. Crazy that it took so long for her to go along with this and deal with her problem with my Mom. In case you’re wondering what she held against her, it was that she’s fat. I’m not going to say curvy cause that's how she describes herself.

The DH's parents are both gone (and my Dad, all 3 way too young) but I still get anxious and ready to become a hermit whenever any holiday that seems like I HAVE to celebrate comes along. Whether it’s just cooking or dragging out decorations I’m expected to put up by myself because his highness wants everything festive (just don’t expect him to put anything up or take it all down later) it all seems like too much aggravation.

So if any of you out there are planning on getting married think about the hassle of holidays now. Will you live close to both sets of parents, do your soon to be in-laws like you (we’ve all heard the horror stories about when they don’t, mine only kinda liked me), and would they all be willing to come to your place ? The DH’s Mom made us feel like we weren’t very good cooks but we both are (and she started making many of the things we made after tasting them). Think about it and sort it all out now. You need to know if you’re both ready to side with each other over your parents. I promise, it will make married life easier if you do. Of course you could always move far enough away so you don’t have to celebrate with them, unless ........ (insert sinister music here) they come to STAY with you. Bwaa ha ha ha.