Thursday, October 20, 2016

Depression and Games

What do you do when depression hits? Do you do anything to keep busy or do you prefer to stay in bed? Do you veg out watching TV? Do excessive cleaning or exercise? It’s odd isn’t it that for some people all they want to do is retreat by sleeping while others turn to TV, their computer, phone, or books to avoid having to think about how they feel. They’re too tired for anything but laying or sitting around. Then there are the others who need to be so busy they do weird things like scrub window blinds with a toothbrush (use an old one, you don’t want to use one that someone is using, unless you really dislike that person, but don’t blame me if they find out).

Yeah I’ve really done this, the cleaning part not the using someone’s toothbrush to be mean. In fact I’ve had my depression hit me all these ways and more. Lately though it’s been getting lost in books or my huge time waster but mind occupier, playing online games. I’m finding anxiety and depression drive me to play online games more and more. It doesn’t matter where I play either. I’ve spent time at HSN’s arcade, MSN’s games, Yahoo, Facebook, and even Dollar Tree’s games just to name a few places.

Now you know why I don’t post as often as I thought I would. I have plenty of things to write about but games like Cookie Jam seem like they call to me. I’ll think that I’ll only stay on until I lose all my lives (which is why I never sign up for friends to play with, it would only lead to asking for lives and wasting more time playing) but then I’ll hit some levels that are easy for me and the next thing I know is it’s been 3 hours and the dogs are giving me the stink eye about needing to go out and why are you looking at the stupid screen when you could be letting us in and out and giving us dog cookies.

A few nights ago I knew it was getting out of control when I realized I had played one level of Candy Saga for over 2 hours (I also scored over 17 million points but that’s beside the point of this). It was daylight when I began and now it was dark. The prob with this is that I had some clothes hanging outside that I hand washed earlier in the day. It was a weirdly warm sunny day for fall so I thought, Yay! I can hang them outside instead of letting them dry in the laundry room. Nothin’ like going out in the dark to take down laundry, bet the neighbors loved that.

So what to do this with addiction, cause that’s what it is. I’ve been seeing so many news/health stories about people who are addicted to their phones. I’d like to know how many of us are addicted to games. For me it helps with anxiety but I know with other people playing games increases their anxiety level. Guess it depends on the game and your personality. I’m not a competitive person and tend to play match 3 games. They can be good for drawing you in without causing a lot of stress unless you’re the type to stress over not being able to move to the next level. I kinda go with the flow of playing but after reading posts on Cookie Jam’s FB page I know there are a lot of people out there who are extreme about it.

Ok back to the question if what to do about my newest addiction ... I have no idea. I’ll think about it after I play a few levels of Cookie Jam, or maybe Candy Crush Saga, or Mahjong Dimensions, or something else...