Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Resolutions suck but we do them anyway...

It’s a new year and we’re pretty much expected to make at least one resolution. We all know most fail so why put ourselves through something we know we’re pretty much guaranteed to bomb at? Cause it’s a tradition and like celebrating holidays with family who drive us even more crazy we do it.

Since I know I’m just going to give up, I‘m not making one. This year instead of a ‘resolution’ I’m calling it “changing my eating habits slooooowly”. I figure if I can give up one thing and it sticks I’ll move onto another. Hopefully the side effect will be feeling better and losing weight.

That sounds doable to me but it’s going to be really hard since the first thing I’m giving up is something I’m so addicted to. I’m trying to cut out those sweet, sugary, yummy, and so bad for you ... peach rings! They’re candy in case you don’t know what they are, not rings of peach fruit, though I find those yummy, too. All the same, if they’re in heavy syrup they’re probably almost as bad for you.

Once I realized that even doing a rationing thing wasn’t working I needed to give myself an intervention. I was eating a large bag a week plus if I was out anywhere I’d stop and buy a small one to eat in the car. I mean YIKES! That’s way too much sugar for someone with anxiety and panic attacks, right?

It all started because I can’t eat and go out, it’s an anxiety reaction. My gut just can’t handle food on it if I’m nervous and there’s a chance of panic. I’ve pretty much always had this problem. As a teen I’d have dry toast if I had to have something on my tum (so embarrassing to hear it grumble otherwise). I seldom wanted to eat out (I don’t at all now, but that has to do with being lactose intolerant too) and going out in the evening meant eating in the morning as early as I could stomach it (I’m not a morning person and food in the morning just doesn’t work for me). I’d only have soda or water the rest of the day. Yes, I did glom food when I got home. Pretty much still do the same thing.

I started getting a little better in my early 20’s when I actually had a job and before I had the next bout of agoraphobia that I just can’t overcome. With the way I ate most people wanted to know what diet I was on (I did look great) but how do you say ‘I’m on the I can’t eat much cause if I get nervous there’s a chance I’ll throw up’ diet without having to explain I wasn’t bulimic just really stressed without people thinking I was weirder than they already did?

So anyway, when I’d go out I used to take gingerale and lifesavers to cut stomach acid but switched over to water and whatever candy I had on hand or appealed to me at the store. Since I’ve always loved gummy anything I worked my way thru jelly bellies, Sunkist gems, gum drops, bears, worms, berries, fruit slices, sharks (!), and the basic Swedish fish. Then I found the peach rings and for some weird reason I loved them best. The DH doesn’t get it. He thinks they are awful but then he’s addicted to chocolate and doesn’t like many sugar type candies. I used eat a lot of chocolate till I became lactose intolerant. With good dairy-free chocolate costing as much as 3 or more of the large bags of my beloved rings I seldom splurge on it. You’d think I’ll just trade peach rings for the expensive chocolate, huh? Chocolate won’t work for settling my stomach.

I’m adding this cause I’m thinking you may be wondering why eating sugar helps me cope. Well, it’s because since I don’t eat before I go out the sugar helps keep headaches and body aches away. The water helps thin out stomach acid from anxiety a lot better for me than any soda ever did though I will buy iced tea to drink when I’m out shopping. It’s what I plan on using to replace the candy. It should have enough sugar for a bit of energy and to keep the aches away.

I’ll add it to my “must have with me just in case” tote bag. I carry this tote whenever I go out ‘cause it holds stuff I’ll probably never need but it makes me feel more prepared to deal with panic attacks. First in goes what ever I’ll be drinking and up to now my peach rings (sob). I also have to have lots of kleenix, a wet wash cloth, hand lotion, nail files, an extra make-up kit, sun and reading glasses (in case what I’m wearing breaks), hat and gloves appropriate for the weather, pens, pencils, a tablet, sometimes a book if I’m worried I may get stuck somewhere, an extra sweater or even a coat if I’m worried about how the weather is, and lastly I’ll carry other extra pieces of clothing and shoes if I’m going somewhere I could get dirty or wet (or at least think I will) It’s not like I’d do this for basic shopping trips but there was that time I ended up in an icy puddle downtown after slipping off the curb. I wished I had extra clothes then. I’m very attached to this tote bag. I’d say even more than the reason for this post, the peach rings!

So you may be wondering why I’m giving up something that does help me cope with my anxiety, it’s because they’re making me fat. Oh, it’s not just them but I thought I’d start somewhere and since I’m not a big soda drinker (seltzer yes, soda seldom) the candy was it. I’ll let you know how I’m doing and whether the fruit flavored tea I’m using as a substitute has worked. BTW, I started writing this at the beginning of the month and I broke down and bought a small bag last weekend. At least I was able to walk past the bags that I swear where calling to me yesterday when I was grocery shopping.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Depression has set in... So let the games begin!

If you’ve seen my last 2 posts you know I was a fan of Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds. These were 2 very talented and funny women. Of course I connected with Carrie because of our crazies. As for Debbie she was someone my Mom loved to watch in old movies on TV with me when I was a kid. Her passing made me realize I could lose my Mom, too. She’s fighting the flu right now and with her COP breathing probs we’re all hoping she doesn’t come down with pneumonia and end up in the hospital like she did 2 years ago.

So it’s not just the shock and sadness that Carrie and Debbie’s passing brings, it’s the reminder of family and friends who are also gone, and of those who are of an age that puts them closer to leaving for good. I don’t have the biggest family and because of my years of agoraphobia the cousins I was so close to up to my late teens (when I was housebound yet again) just aren’t in my life much. That’s really a huge problem with being agoraphobic, everyone moves on with their lives while you sit (lay?) around feeling even more upset as family and friends leave you behind while they live their lives. You know I have some male cousins I hadn’t seen since they were little kids (I was a teen) and didn’t recognize them 10 years later when I saw them during one of my less housebound times. It’s so weird and sad at the same time.

I was so ready to do the suicide thing last summer and take my chance on what would happen next but I’m now so glad I shook myself out of the deep depression I was in. My Mom and I are as close as Carrie and Debbie and if that tragedy could happen to them, it certainly could have happened to us. It would have devastated the rest of the family so no more serious thoughts of suicide. No matter how depressed I get I’ll work harder to stay more present. Even if it takes playing games online and not doing much else until I feel better. Guess writing will be on the back burner. I know we’re told writing out your thoughts and feelings are good for you as a way to express it all but I just can’t do that everyday. I get depressed putting how sad I feel into words and it makes it all worse.

I have been hanging out daily at Facebook, not reading my feed but playing Cookie Jam and The Panic Room. They’re my 2 favs right now. I play a few others but not everyday. With all the game friends I’ve added I can play Cookie Jam for hours without running out of lives. Once this is posted I’m heading over there. Who knows maybe you’re one of my game friends! If I’m no good at making new friends around here I’ll take online ones anyday.