Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Another sucky year ended and another started

Ok, so I said I'd come back and write but I didn't. Life screwed my family again in 2021. I lost 2 cousins, sisters, to covid,and a family friend who was close enough to be called Aunt. Of course we lost Matty, too. All in the last 4 months of sucky21. Just when you think the year's almost over and no people we know have died that's when 3 people died. All before Christmas. Just let me say no one in our family was celebrating especially after Rae and Lynney died a few days apart.

As for me and the DH, he ended up in the hospital in Sept. due to blood clots in a leg. I lost my job dog walking right before Christmas now that the owner has gone back to school at home. What away to end the year.

This year is pretty awful, too. The driveways at both houses look more like ice rinks than something to drive one. We had a few days of warm weather but they still have ice.

I'm also fighting the worst  allergies yet. I was sick with a sinus infection for 2 weeks and I'm finally feeling good enough to go out. We both had covid tests just in case the sinus was covid. They were negative (small yay!) We both had our booster shot so we're hoping it will stay away.

The DH has been Capt. Grumpypants again. His friend Greg keeps warning him that he's going to lose his job, that the people he's working for are going to get tired of his gripping about everything. Fine with me, that means we can move back to our house full time. I was glad I was there when I got sick so I was able to stay by myself and enjoy all the quiet. I spent a lot of time crocheting and watching RuPaul's Drag show on the laptop. I'm still catching up on older seasons. 

Oh, I was all set to buy a new computer but the Capt. beat me to it so now I have his old win 7.  Hey no more problems with blogger just a crappy narrow screen. I still LOVE my old xp and it's monitor. I just don't like the long narrow screens computers come with now. As for the one the Capt bought, he hates it. Now he wants the iPad he was going to buy but the store was out of them so he ended up with the Lenovo and says I'll probably end up with the new one, too. I think he just wants me to buy him an iPad. Good luck with that since I don't want his new laptop.

Take care and be kind to everyone even if they don't think like you do-----------