Sunday, May 29, 2016

Hi and welcome to my corner of madness . . .

Hi, I’m Willow and that’s not really me in that tiny pic to the right. That wistful, sometimes sulky, and always anxiety filled angel girl is how I see the inner me. You see I’m a low functioning agoraphobic with here and there panic attacks, a bit of depression, and I can only travel about 20 minutes from home with minor anxiety. Sucks right?

So here we are and you’ve got to be wondering just what the hell this site is about. Well I guess I’ll enlighten you. I’ve asked myself over and over if anything I have to say is worth sharing. I honestly don’t know but I keep making notes on things I’d like to write about. So I’m gonna have a go at this new version of my blog and maybe it might entertain you as it helps me to write about myself. Kinda like therapy but a whole less expensive.

Welcome to the newest version of wistful willow. This blog was originally about superstition because at the time (and now) I was feeling very much like a Charlie Brown and that Murphy’s Law (google it if you haven’t ever heard of it) ran my life. When some fellow online ebayers that were wiccan (I’m not but don’t hold that against me) said I should stop putting it out there about my bad luck because I was inviting it in I decided maybe they were right so I deleted it. Shame, ‘cause I did have some interesting stuff that I never saved. I’m kinda a glass half empty person but I’m not that mean and if you came to my house I’d fill your glass full unless you only wanted half a glass... but then I’d worry if it was because my kitchen or the glass wasn’t clean enough or the drink tasted awful or maybe it was ... me. That I’m such a mess who’d want a full glass of anything from me, which is why I don’t entertain. I know I’m off track (get used to it).

Next I turned it into a place to share my Paint Shop Pro creations like frames and templates. I was truly addicted to it. I’d get up in the middle of the night to work on tutorials the groups I belonged to share. It was the kind of things we’d send to the group, look at, ooh  & ahh, and then do nothing else with them. I spent a lot of my time making graphics that were of no use but were nice to look at. Thank goodness I finally burnt out on it so I deleted the blog. Sorry if you bookmarked this blog hoping to get a free graphic or do one of my tutorials but I just had to move on. I did make the graphics for this blog so I do still use PSP, I’m just less neurotic about it, honest. I only spent a month agonizing over what to use, how to find copy right free pics, and then to finally make what you see here. That’s not bad, is it?

Now for what you’ll eventually read about here... I plan on this blog being a sometimes humorous, sometimes sad, but mostly weird walk thru the life of this anxiety filled angel girl. I offer no advice on how you should deal with panic attacks, agoraphobia, depression, or any other mental illness. This is just about me and how I sometimes deal and a lot of the times don’t. If I didn’t scare you away come back for more.