Friday, July 24, 2020

Time sure flies especially when blogger is involved

So here I am wishing I had more time to be on the computer. So you say why can’t you be on as long as you want? Thank you for asking curious reader! Because the DH will need me to start dinner with all it entails and after that I’m too tired to want to get back on so this is it. And it sucks.

So why do I only have half an hour? Between regular house chores and having to listen to him talk about stuff I don’t really need to hear about. Then he decided we should have some “fun” time. The result was not much just me time.

Then I got to blogger only to find they updated it again and I couldn’t find how to do a new post. Don’t like the new version. Don’t understand why they had to change it. Reminds me of the crap etsy did to their site. STOP fixing stuff that works.

I just don’t get the people who are whining about having to stay in, that they’re so bored. Stop being a bunch of babies and get some real hobbies!!!!!! Read some books, learn to cook, there’s so much to learn and do. I never have enough time in the day for everything I want to do. I have so many hobbies and books I hope to read that I’d need the days to be at least 72 hours instead of 24.

Ok, I’m done being a whiner (not good after I yelled about it) so wear a damn mask and find a hobby. But not one that makes things harder or sucks.

Here's a pic to make up for all the venting.

Yes I own chickens just like many of you are doing now. The DH got ours last year.